Reframing Thoughts - Learning to Managing your Emotions

Reframing Thoughts - Learning to Managing your Emotions


Cost Details


This workshop aims to help participants understand how reframing their thoughts can positively impact their well-being and better manage day to day challenges. Participants will learn about the different types of unhelpful thinking patterns and how to reframe them in a more positive and realistic manner. They will also get to create their own Positivity Collage* as a reminder to think positively, even in trying situations. 

Ecoponics: Art Jamming with Positive Phrases  

Onsite session fee: $520

Note: Co-funding amount by HPB will remain the same for both virtual and physical session. 

60 Minutes session
Cost per session$520
Co-funded by HBP $280
Payable amount$240
120 Minutes session
Cost per sessionN/A
Co-funded by HBPN/A
Payable amountN/A