Managing Stress Creatively

Managing Stress Creatively


Cost Details


This workshop allows participants to immerse themselves in a relaxing and engaging session, and helps them to temporarily take their minds off stress and anxiety while practising mindfulness. 
During this session, participants will also be introduced to what stress is, the different triggers and symptoms of stress, as well as be brought through a short relaxation exercise. Coping tips will be given, and participants will be able to take home their very own hand-made coaster* by the end of the session. 

Ecoponics: Marble coaster 

Onsite session fee: $520

Note: Co-funding amount by HPB will remain the same for both virtual and physical session.

60 Minutes session
Cost per session$520
Co-funded by HBP $280
Payable amount$240
120 Minutes session
Cost per sessionN/A
Co-funded by HBPN/A
Payable amountN/A